Permit Acquisition

Do you need a little extra time and the paperwork is starting to stack up? We obtain permits from jurisdictions and do all of the paperwork associated with obtaining the permits you need. We protect your time, energy, and information by promptly submitting everything to the jurisdictions and maintaining communication with the municipalities for status checks and approvals.

Encroachment Permits

An encroachment permit is required when any sign or building part is extending over a public right away.

Southeast Permits is skilled with applying for the encroachment permits that your project will need.

Board Meetings For Jurisdiction

Southeast Permits will attend all board meetings required for that jurisdiction, when your project needs to be presented to one or more of the boards for approval. We will present on your companies behalf for approval. Southeast Permits takes responsibility for making  sure materials are present before the board meeting IE- color samples. Material samples, applications, fee’s paid, power point presentation prepared (if necessary)., etc.

CAB- Community appearance board
ARB- Architectural review board
DRB- Design review board
COA- Certificate of Approval (generally needed for historical towns and cities)


If your project needs variance approval, Southeast can and will handle this as well. When your brand logo or sizing is not code compliant, we will discuss this with the Project Manger and proceed with approval. Variances are difficult and require multiple documents to present to the city / county council. We can prepare these documents and request a spot on the next agenda.


Southeast does not have an engineer in house, However, we have a list of engineers that we work with. Our list of engineers can provide engineering for multiple states.  We will reach out to a engineer on our list, and get a price quote and all information before requesting the engineer to produce SED’s (sealed engineer drawings)

Notary Services

Southeast has notary’s on staff for any documents that require a notary. We also have an NSA on staff who is listed with the National Notary Association.  

Client Updates

We keep our clients informed with weekly updates, so you stay in the know and up to date on how your project is going and what’s needed to move forward. Communication is top priority.

Submit to Jurisdiction

Once your project is officially awarded to Southeast Permits it will be assigned to a Permit Technician / Project Manager within the first 24 hours of receiving. The project will then be submitted to the correct jurisdiction within the next 24 hours.

In summary, your project will be assigned and submitted within the first 24-48 hours. The project manager will reach out to our client and confirm that the project is in que for review.

settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Southeast offers a host of services. Should you not see a service that you might need our assistance with reach out and though our contact page. Chances are we can help!!